Sharda Rozena
The Researcher

Sharda Rozena completed her PhD in 'Gentrification and facadism in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea: a tale of three buildings' at the University of Leicester in 2022.
Sharda writes about the lived everyday reality of gentrification, from the slow violence of corporate landlords to the symbolic and physical displacement on council estates. Her work also focuses on the residential impact of empty buy-to-leave investment homes that contribute towards transient communities. Her research largely focuses on issues including health, security, inequality and survivability in the housing sector. She is currently doing a Leverhulme research project on the last rent control tenants in the UK and secure tenancies.
Rozena, S. (2023). ‘One Kensington Gardens: buy-to-leave gentrification in the Royal Borough.’ Antipode.
Rozena, S and Lynn, N. (2023). ‘The Real Faces of the Royal Borough: from academic research to art exhibition.’ City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action, Scenes Sounds Action.
Rozena, S. (2023). ‘Communal interaction and creativity as revolution: resistance to corporate landlords by regulated tenants.' City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action. Available at:
Rozena, S. (2022). ‘Opinion: Grenfell- not one but multiple stories of displacement.’ Housing after Grenfell [online blog] University of Oxford. Available at:
Rozena, S. (2022). ‘Displacement on the Lancaster West Estate in London before, during, and after the Grenfell fire.’ City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action.
Rozena, S and Lees, L. (2021). ‘The Everyday Lived Experiences of Airbnbification in London.’ Social and Cultural Geography.
Rozena, S. (2021). ‘Hinter Den Fassaden: Wohnrealitaten in Kensington.’ ARCH + Magazine Issue 245: Fassadenmanifest. (Translated into German). View here.
Book Chapters
Rozena, S. (in press, tbp 2022). ‘Gentrification’. In: Jacobs, K, Flanagan, K, Verdouw, J and De Vries, J (editors) Housing, the Home and Society: Research Handbook. Edward Elgar.
Rozena, S (in press, tbp 2022). ‘Ethnography.’ In: Demeritt, D, and Lees, L. (editors) Concise Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Edward Elgar.